Don’t waste money buying new just because something looks old, aged or rusted. Save money and have it powder coated with us, any color and texture you choose. There are over 7,000 colors and many textures to choose from in the powder coating industry.
With many finishes available such as glossy, flat, metallic, clear finishes, candies and textures, you can give a part your own custom look. Make it your own color, your own texture, your own individual piece so that it is different than anyone else’s.
Come by the shop to see all the different colors and textures we have to offer. Let us work with you to give your project the unique look you want and that best suits your needs.
We are located at 4704 Trabue Road near Hilliard, Ohio, close to I-70 and 270. We are open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Saturday and Sunday we are closed, or you can call us at (614) 771-7765 to schedule a time to meet with us at your convenience.